Dear Tri Delta Sisters,
We are incredibly lucky to have an outstanding and recognized Tri Delta Alumnae Chapter in Fort Worth, with members representing 41 chapters from across the U.S.! Regardless of where or when you pledged, our chapter is here to enrich and support your Tri Delta experience and it is my pleasure to extend to you an invitation to JOIN our Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter.
Becoming a member of our alumnae chapter signifies more than just a financial commitment. It symbolizes a commitment to nurturing friendship, growth, philanthropy, and inclusivity among alumnae members. Did you know that our national Fraternity now spans 5 generations? At our events, you'll have the chance to meet Tri Deltas of all ages, from recent graduates to 75-year Diamond Circle alumnae. The excitement and camaraderie you felt when you first joined Tri Delta continues in our Fort Worth Tri Delta Alumnae Chapter. Don’t be concerned about not knowing anyone, our new “Greeting Team” is eager to welcome you and introduce you to other alumnae.
By joining, you can support TCU's Phi Lambda Chapter during Work Week and Recruitment Week, connect with Sister Deltas at events throughout the year, celebrate Delta Delta Delta at Founders' Day, contribute to our holiday fundraiser benefiting Cook Children's Medical Center and the Jean Roach Scholarship Fund, assist with reference letters, mentor graduating seniors, be a meeting host, and many sisterhood events – check our website regularly, our calendar is updated often and full of exciting events September through May!
Click HERE and complete your member form and dues payment. I join our officers and executive committee in looking forward to connecting with you!
Delta Love,

Diana Whetstone Crawford
Phi Lambda
2024-25 Delta Delta Delta Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter President
Members only...2024-25 Membership Directory is available on request to info@cowtowntridelta.com